Monday, September 6, 2010

the hurt is still here.

let's go back in time,
can we, please pretty please?
back to when things were an atom bomb
of creation and chaos.
and moods were as volatile as chemical love.

when you turned to me
and said, "you're the best
thing that's ever happened to me."
we were the unstoppable
and the immovable.

a ragtag tagteam of
catastrophic proportions.
can you believe it?
it's been a year since we felt it,
the spark, the electricity
of knowing we didn't know.

there was so much to hope for,
so much left to want.
and it was okay to be incomplete,
it was okay to not be okay.
we didn't need to fix things,
nothing was broken.

now it's just me left,
half-oiled machinery.
i've always hated machines,
but that's what it feels like.
going through motions.
trying to feel it,
the creation, the chaos.
is gone like you,
did you take it with you?

and i know this is just
one more thing that i need to
let go of. and let slide.
one more thing that
shouldn't hurt still
after so long.
but i still miss it.

oh, the whirlwind of you,
incorruptible, immovable.
your empty space
haunts my eyelids
each night i fall asleep.