Monday, March 14, 2011


everything feels uncertain. like taking the first few steps after your feet have been asleep.

but i'm writing again and there's so much passion in it that it actually scares me. i wonder where it all comes from. it's not a story about me at all. suicidal boy who falls in love with and gets addicted to the memory of his dead best friend while simultaneously finding the girl who could change everything for him. these are not things i am experienced in, i promise you. but it's all so raw, so charged with emotions i've only scratched the surface of in real life. desperation and the need to feel when everything becomes numb, diluted. i don't feel all of these things on a regular basis, but there is a vein of raw human emotion in my writing that awes me. so, i'm writing again. there's something certain, i guess.

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